Julia Husch

 Summer Camps will run in Lafayette, Albany, and Piedmont. You can register for AM 9-12 or PM 1-4. Lafayette and Albany locations offer lunch bunch care from 12-1.

Registration is hosted by the city recreation departments. Click the location to view sewing camps offered and register.

Piedmont Weeks of June 3 and June 10

Lafayette Weeks of June 17, June 24, July 1, and July 8

Albany Weeks of July 15 and July 22

Questions? Contact me.

Sample Summer Camp Class Descriptions

Please note: curriculum and age range can vary by location and week, make sure to read the class description when registering.

Fashion Sewing Summer Camp - Beginner

Ages 8-14

In this beginner camp students will learn to sew and create a customized Tote Bag and Shorts. (No experience needed, intermediate welcome) Students will learn to safely operate a sewing machine and iron, read a sewing pattern, and illustrate their designs. Camp instruction will emphasize design creativity and garment construction skill building in a supportive and patient learning environment. All of the materials will be provided including high quality fabrics, threads, and personalized embroidery. Please bring a snack and water.

Fashion Sewing Summer Camp - Intermediate

Ages 9-16

In this intermediate level camp  students will build their fashion sewing skills and explore their design creativity. (Prior class or camp with Ms. Julia required.) Students will sew projects within their skill level such as: Dress, Romper, Bucket Hat, Leggings, Hippie Shoulder Bag, T-shirt, and more. Students will learn to safely operate a sewing machine, serger, and iron and illustrate their designs in a small group supportive and patient learning environment. They will each have access to their own sewing machine and tool set. All of the materials will be provided including high quality fabrics, threads, and personalized embroidery. Please bring a snack and water.